Drakensberg Wedding Venues
We have some great wedding venues in the Drakensberg for you to consider. The Drakensberg area is a great location for a wedding – with stunning landscapes and mountain views to take picturesque wedding photos.
These Drakensberg venues have some of the most beautiful scenery that can be imagined. Close to Johannesburg and Pretoria, this area comprises mainly of the Royal Natal National Park, Amphitheatre Valley, and Mount-Aux-Source. The Drakensberg has a few famous peaks that are favorites for wedding photographers, these include Giant’s Castle, Cathedral Peak, and Mont-Aux-Sources.
If you are not sure where to start, have a look at our tips on how to choose a venue. Check out our Wedding Specials page for some great savings on your wedding budget.
Simply use the filter on the page and you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for like:
Wedding Venues in The Drakensberg:
There are 100’s of lovely venues out there to choose from. But where do you start? When looking at the different options out there you have to answer a few questions:
5 Questions To Answer Before You Choose Your Venue:
- How many guests will I have?
- Do they offer accommodation?
- Do I want extra accommodation?
- How much am I willing to spend?
- What needs to be included? – decor, food, etc.
In this quick tips video, Aleit discusses what you need to look out for in your venue hire contract:
These are the most important questions. There are many more questions like, how to do the glasses, cutlery, crockery, and linen look, and if it is included. What furniture is included, how long do we have to set up and break down, how is the electricity for extra light, how expensive are the bar and their wines… and much more.
Happy hunting and enjoy the time. If you like a few venues, spent as much time as possible there to get a feeling of the place. Drink a cup of tea or a glass of wine and just sit back and let the individual venues talk with you.
The event venues listed on our website include Wine farm Venues, Beach Venues, City Venues, Country Venues, Garden Venues, and much more. This is really the ideal website to see all the types of wedding destinations South Africa has to offer.
Destination Weddings
One of the first reasons why destination weddings in South Africa are so popular is due to the scenery. Discover a diverse array of settings, ensuring that your wedding day unfolds against the perfect backdrop of your dreams – from beaches to vineyards, countryside, mountains, and bushveld destinations. The Cape Winelands and Stellenbosch are filled with venues boasting old Dutch architecture. Each of these venues is wrapped around mountain ranges and vineyards (you certainly won’t have to worry about running out of wine on your big day)!
Don’t forget that you can use our Wedding Vendors Directory to find and book all your vendors – from Photographers to Marriage Officers, Wedding Planners, Hair and Makeup to Flowers and Decor, we have them all.