Gauteng Marriage Officers


You’ll find all the top Marriage Officers in Gauteng in the Pink Book Wedding Directory. Filter the results to only display suppliers within a selected region or province.

Your wedding officer has got a couple of things to do before; on and after your official wedding day. If you want to stand in front of your friends and family with a big traditional wedding or you just want to elope and stand on a beach, none of it is legal if not done through a marriage officer.

You get marriage officers from all walks of life and from all races. From all genders and all religious backgrounds. So if you would like someone to marry you from a specific denomination or a specific faith, Pink Book can definitely help you find that perfect person.

Marriage Officers in Gauteng:

These marriage officers conduct wedding ceremonies for couples across South Africa. And whether you need a marriage officer to perform a traditional religious ceremony, alternative unique wedding ceremony or LGBT friendly ceremony, there are great options available for you on Pink Book.

In this video, Ava and Simi takes you through the duties of a marriage officer:

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