9 Unique Wedding Confetti Ideas
confetti ideas
Wedding confetti throwing is the first bit of real fun your guests will have at your wedding and this is your chance to set the mood for the rest of the day. If done right, wedding confetti can make for amazing photos! Wedding confetti does not have to be restricted to the classic paper option. Let your creative juices flow. Here are some fun wedding confetti ideas and alternatives.
There are many options to use as wedding confetti out there, use your creativity to combine your confetti to your wedding theme, style and décor. Pink Book took the time to look at some great wedding confetti ideas:
1. Up! with Balloons
Using balloons adds a fun atmosphere and excitement for your first appearance as a married couple. Balloons are affordable and come in a variety of colours, so your imagination is the only limit. Of course our number one concern is the environment which is why we recommend using only 100% biodegradable balloons which you can get from companies like Balloons Just 4 You based in Durban. Remember to fill them with helium and let your guests release them as you pass them.
2. Shine on with some Sparkles
Add a touch of glam, by using sparkles for your confetti. You could use glitter paper – punched into a shape you like, metallic shapes like hearts, or you could even hand out sachets filled with glitter! You can get amazing biodegradable glitter online from The Glitter Fairy that is based in Cape Town but courier nationwide.
3. Paper Punch Drunk Love
You could add a cool twist to the traditional confetti idea, by using pretty paper and shapes to punch your confetti. You could even use fabric in a pattern that you love! A quick and fun way to get this wedding task done is to round up your bridesmaids or friends for a confetti punch evening – you supply the food and drink, they bring their wedding cheer!
4. Tweet Tweet Birdseed
Leave something behind for the birdies in the area, by using birdseed as confetti. Some wedding venues don’t allow using any confetti unless it is bio-degradable, so this would be a great option if you’re bound to using bio-degradable confetti. We have posted a birdseed pocket printable, to make this an easy option for you.
5. Add Magic with Ribbon Wands
Give every guest a ribbon wand to wave around. Ribbon wands give your photos a fantastic and fun touch, adding movement to your wedding photos and offers your guests something a little more interactive than just throwing something once.
6. Herbal Therapy
For a unique experience, use fragrant fresh herbs as your confetti. It will give a wonderful bohemian feel, and add a special scent to your festivities. Good options are Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme.
7. Flower Confetti In Full Bloom
Some couples prefer that their guests throw rose petals as confetti, but why not take this a step further. Any type of small flower can look very pretty as confetti, especially on the wedding photos. You can opt for Daisies, Piper’s Anemone, Asters, Bluebells, and Jasmine for your wedding confetti. Using fresh wildflowers is a wonderfully colourful confetti idea.
8. Dried Leaf Confetti For Nature Lovers
You can use dried leaves for your Autumn Wedding as your confetti. It is eco-friendly, and will also suit the surroundings of this gorgeous season. You can collect these leaves all over your garden and neighborhood – just be sure to keep them stored in a dry place. Or you can use dried petals for a slightly more colourful, but still nature-based option.
9. Bubbles Confetti
Another great alternative is giving guests some soap bubbles to blow as confetti as you exit the ceremony area. It looks great on photos, and is also a no-mess option!