10 Tips on How to Propose
Are you going to propose? Getting engaged is a huge step but it doesn’t have to be a stressful event! People love to hear the romantic way a proposal took place, so get used to telling your proposal story over and over! Use these tips and ideas to get your proposal ducks in a row!
10 Tips on How to Propose:
1. Are You Both Ready for Engagement?
This is a question only you can answer. Have you been discussing marriage with your partner and is it something both of you want? Look at how long you have been together and if there are any warning signs or things that make you feel uneasy or unsure. It is important that your relationship is built on a foundation of trust and stability, that you always fight fair and that even the mundane moments with your partner take your breath away! On a more practical side, look at where you are in your careers. Can you afford to propose and get married and do you feel confident enough to divert some attention away from your career to focus on your partner?
2. Pick a Date to Propose
When you start planning the proposal, start by choosing the perfect date. Decide if you want to propose on a big date like a birthday or an anniversary, or maybe on a date that has significance to you as a couple. Make sure this date falls in a calmer time of the year for you and that you don’t have to leave on business the next day or write a big exam!
Before choosing the date, ask a friend or family member for advice. You don’t want to choose a date that might remind your partner of a sad event or loss in her life. You should, however, make sure that your engagement doesn’t happen on a date when someone else is celebrating their birthday or engagement, therefore, stealing their thunder. Do NOT propose at someone else’s wedding! It is almost always awkward! See the most popular dates to get engaged.
3. Choose the location carefully
The location of your proposal is super important! Be careful of crowded spaces or known “proposal areas”. You might just share your special moment with another couple. When you choose a location, think about what your partner will like. Is she an outdoorsy person who will enjoy a hike or some who will love a chill picnic on the beach? Does she get seasick? If so, don’t take her on a boat!
If you would like to propose, with her friends and family present, make sure she really wants to get married and will say yes! You don’t want to get a false yes and then have an awkward conversation later! Be careful of getting a videographer or photographer for the special moment as it might take away some of the intimacy and might make your partner feel self-conscious. Also, beware of including pets and kids … you might end up searching for a lost engagement ring!

image via howheasked.com
4. The Element of Surprise
Proposing doesn’t have to be a super stressful event! It is important to listen to the small hints and clues your partner drops and then stick to it. Don’t make risky choices – if your partner doesn’t like surprises don’t think she will like this one. You can have a conversation about what she would like and discuss what you as a couple would enjoy! Chat to her best friend or sister and get advise. They will quickly let you know if you are on the wrong track!
5. The Perfect Moment
The perfect moment rarely arises but when you truly love the person you are about to propose to and you are about to get down on one knee we are sure the perfect moment will be right there as you create it between the two of you. You might plan to propose during sunset but on that particular evening it might be cloudy and if it just doesn’t feel right then don’t do it. Hold back and wait for another evening when the sunset is out and perfect. Don’t put to much pressure on yourself, when it is the perfect moment you’ll definitely know. Sometimes it is more than just a specific time and place, it is a gut feeling as well.
6. Pick the Perfect Engagement Ring
You don’t have to choose the “final” ring for the engagement. If your partner is very specific about what she wants, you can decide on the design together, so when in doubt go with a plain gold or platinum band. If you are confident that you know what she would like you can pick out the engagement ring beforehand. There are many styles and cuts to choose from – maybe you are lucky enough to have a family ring! You can find out everything you need to know about choosing the perfect engagement ring.
7. Asking for permission to marry: Yes or No
Is your partner progressive or traditional? Even though asking for permission is quite an old-school thing to do, it is always nice to have the parents on board! It is not really asking for permission but more informing them of your intentions to ask her and respectfully asking for their opinion on the matter. If you have a solid and loving relationship, getting positive feedback from her parents won’t be hard! But make sure you know where her head is at on this topic as not asking permission or disrespecting her parents can be a huge problem in your relationship!
8. Getting down on one knee
There is something very romantic and charming about a man on one knee asking for your hand in marriage! Going down on one knee will always help make things clear in case she wasn’t prepared or expecting a proposal! It really doesn’t matter on which knee you drop down! The norm is to drop down on your left knee and to hold the ring box in your left hand and to then open it with your right. Getting down on one knee is a sign of respect and loyalty. In the past, knights would bend the knee before the king to show their undying obedience, respect and loyalty. This is a romantic tradition that you can make your own.

Image via flytographer
9. Will You Marry Me?
Don’t forget to say the words! To avoid any confusion or misunderstanding, it is important that you actually say the words, “Will you Marry me?” It can be an extremely emotional moment for your partner and she might be overwhelmed, confused or even crying tears of joy! You will be shaking as well so don’t forget to pop the question! To get some inspiration, watch the twelve most watched proposal videos ever!

images via Pinterest
10. Share the news!
It is always nice to keep the family and friends in the loop! Make sure they are available for a glass of bubbly or a telephone call to share the news! Decide how you would like to share the news with your loved ones. Don’t forget to tell your families first, you don’t want them to find out via social media!