Western Cape DJ & Live Bands


Looking for a Wedding DJ in the Western Cape? From deciding if you and your bride-tribe will walk down the aisle on the same song to throwing your bouquet on any song. Every moment needs a song, so let’s throw some confetti in the air and celebrate!

Our biggest advice is to, “…stay true to your style and your favorite songs!” Make sure you include songs that mean something to you and your partner; be it a fond memory of your first date, the song you danced to in your first home together, or just that one jam from the 90s that you can’t get enough of!

The bands and Wedding DJs listed on our website will help you set the tone for your Wedding Day. Choose between Swing Bands, Instrumentalists, Singers, and DJ’s get your guests in a party mood. Contact any of the amazing DJs or bands below to request a quote.

Wedding DJ & Live Bands in the western cape:

When it comes to planning a wedding, there are some things that have to be planned before others. The best way to stop yourself from feeling overwhelmed is to take the whole and break it down into smaller parts. Having a checklist is a must! And you don’t need to stress, because we have created a FREE downloadable Pink Book Wedding Checklist for you.

Don’t forget that you can use our Wedding Vendors Directory to find and book all of your vendors – from Wedding Venues to Marriage Officers, Wedding Planners, Hair and Makeup to Flowers and Decor, we have them all.

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